• Dalliance upon my cock and balls, failed orgasm and ejaculation, Tuesday September 10

    Hi guys, 

    Oh how I love to wear my BIKE jockstraps to bed at night these days! They have mesh pouches, the fabric of which is in direct contact with my scrotum, cock shaft, and Glans. Now when I diddle my nipples, my Aless is revved up which activates the absolute sweetness of direct contact of the jock mesh pouch upon my manhood, especially my Glans.

    I got up in the 5 o’clock hour, shaved and bathed. However I dressed my cock in a couple cellophane containers, the size of condom, before putting back on my BIKE jockstrap. Then got dressed in T-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts, before going out to get coffee and a brownie at the neighborhood 7 Eleven a block away. The cellophane upon my cock in my jockstrap felt so good!

    My short jaunt outdoors took about 30 minutes. Upon my return home, I had a light breakfast on the coffee and brownie. Then the dalliance upon my cock and balls caused me to masturbate perhaps for another 30 minutes which I enjoyed, but resulted in a failed orgasm and ejaculation of semen. I came away from these dalliance with a very sweet Aless.

    It is now ten o’clock as I compose the final paragraph. My Aless is so strong and sweet. My Aless is centered at my sweet spot located at the base of my ball sack and in my perineum. But sweetness of this Aless permeates my whole cock and balls. It is a sweetness that I will savor for the rest of the day!

    Take care! Have fun!


    • Avatar for GGringo


      09/11/2019at1:31 pm

      Good writeup @BigGlansDC! Have you ever tried to slip in a massager to go to 7 Eleven? I did that a few times to go out on short errands; feels great!

      Good vibes to you.

    • Avatar for GGringo


      09/11/2019at1:31 pm

      Good writeup @BigGlansDC! Have you ever tried to slip in a massager to go to 7 Eleven? I did that a few times to go out on short errands; feels great!

      Good vibes to you.

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