• Confused by the state of this website?

    Some of you “may” remember me. Especially from chat and my experiences with scottishgasm. I haven’t been able to so much as log into my previous account for the past year so it’s too long to say. I’ve ceded and made this second account to get the bottom of this because I am being given nothing but silence and ignorance from Aneros themselves.

    I signed up in March 2018 and immediately never received a confirmation email. Because of this, I was never able to contribute to or start any forum threads. I was also never able to directly message anyone and my account in general was just “broken” and unusable. I emailed Aneros directly and was told they were doing site maintenance as they were moving the site over to a new server. Yes that’s right, the server change that JUST finished 30 seconds ago took over two years and broke my account.

    I sent an email once a month for about 6 months after that in hopes of updates because the only thing I could use that entire time was the site group chatroom. At this point Aneros just started ignoring me. Via email, twitter account, Facebook account, site support. I got nothing.

    I gave up and just accepted that my account just wouldn’t work, which, looking back is stupid because everyone else’s accounts work fine and I felt very isolated. And why is it fair that I have to be the only one on the site that can’t actually interact with anyone? So my new mentality is when something isn’t right, go out and make sure it gets fixed.

    After about a year of being confined to just the janky chatroom that was just as broken as my account (webcam function never worked, couldn’t change my profile picture, new messages never sent a notification to tell me there was a new message, among other issues) I got a new device and tried to log into my account, only to be met with “password incorrect”. I certainly never changed my password so I tried the password reset link, they never sent me it. I emailed support in the hope that maybe they’d actually reply. They didn’t. I tried to sign up with the same email, the email is still listed as registered. My old account still exists. It just won’t allow me to log in.

    Aneros fix it!

    Even now with this new account, after all the server stuff has been done, I still haven’t received a confirmation email. I still can’t use forums with this account. This isn’t normal. And yes I know there’s a different log in button for the store vs the forums/blogs/etc. Trust me I have explored every avenue of this site for over a year to find a solution.

    TL/DR my account is broken and won’t let me log in and aneros is ignoring me.


    • Ggringo

      04/15/2020at6:55 am

      Wow @scottishgasm2 what an experience for you! I also had a few issues here and there but Aneros Support were very helpful and fixed everything for me. I just forwarded your message to them for their information.
      Good luck

      BTW, welcome back! Good vibes to you.

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      04/15/2020at11:19 am

      @scottisgasm2, Are you the guy who sent me two frantic private messages (PM’s) overnight to me. Like my buddy, @Ggringo Aneros Support is there to help you. I am grateful for Aneros Support in connectivity and login issues for me.

    • Avatar for admin-aneros


      04/15/2020at12:06 pm

      @scottishgasm – please contact me at [email protected] – we will get this sorted out for you.

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